+33 (0)1 55 57 16 10

Competitive intelligence

Strategic foresight

  • SSF
  • 5
  • Strategic foresight

Understanding your business environment

SSF strategic foresight can help you detect threats and opportunities within your business environment. The information is collected and analysed by a team responisble for an efficient alert system in order to assist you on a daily basis, . Our strategic intelligence services can be customised to meet your specific needs.

Project watch

Aimed at securing your investments and monitoring the progress of your projects.

Technology watch

Keep up to date with the latest breakthroughs in research and development.

Sector watch

Aimed at identifying market trends.

Competition watch

Keep up to date with your competitors and analyse their strategy.

Marketing intelligence

Keep up to date with your customers, suppliers, subcontractors and distributors.

Legal watch

Aimed at anticipating changes to legislation.

Image protection

Online reputation management