by SSF | Feb 7, 2024 | Publications EN
Tension surrounding the 8 February general elections A high-stakes election amid a poor political and security situation Following a political crisis of nearly two years, exacerbated by the removal from office of former Prime Minister Imran Khan (2018-2022), Pakistan...by SSF | Feb 1, 2024 | Publications EN
Lai Ching-te elected, continuity or change ? The stakes and outcome of a tense presidential campaignThe Taiwanese presidential election, held 13 January 2024, saw the re-election of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DDP) with the victory of Lai Ching-te against...Chaque mois, nous vous proposons notre bilan sécurité/sûreté et le calendrier des événements marquants du mois à venir afin d’appréhender les évolutions de votre environnement à l’international et anticiper les risques liés à vos déplacements.
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