Security and prospective analysis
Anticipating risk
A comprehensive analysis aimed at examining specific areas
from a security standpoint.
SSF helps its customers manage international risks through
a comprehensive security analysis of specific geographic areas where business activities
have been recently deployed (opening a subsidiary, setting up a new site, asset
acquisition etc.) and/or where the current security conditions could
potentially have a negative impact on the smooth running of the company’s
activities (regional conflicts, election violence, socio-economic difficulties etc.).
These studies enable our customers to better assess potential security constraints that should be taken into account. Depending on the circumstances and requirements, we can also provide advice on the measures that need to be implemented, as well as the relevant operational support.
An operational approach
- A multidisciplinary team of experts in risk analysis and management
- An approach combining statistics and documentation along with field data
- Mapping and statistical visualisation tools and expertise.